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As you age your nails dry out, losing their natural moisture which holds the nail layers together. Natural moisture is extracted from your nails when exposed to water, harsh soaps or cleaning products. At first, your nails begin to fray on the edges, becoming brittle. Eventually, nails break, tear or split. The most common cause for many nail problems is dry nails, and can often be recognized by dull, splitting or peeling nails, often with white marks due to dehydration or even with a yellow tint across the nail. Learn more about the products that can help you.
» view productsBrittle nails are in a weakened state and tend to break, tear, split or peel easily. The most commons causes are exposing your hands to chemicals, such as detergents, cleaning fluids, harsh soaps, etc.), long and frequent use of artificial nail products, nail polish and rough work. External factors damage the keratin protein in the nail and draws natural moisture from your nails. There are other reasons, such as vitamin deficiencies or a medical condition. If your brittle nails cannot be contributed to an external or internal cause, one technique is to compare your fingernails to your toenails. If your fingernails are brittle but your toenails aren’t, this indicates an external cause. However, if both your fingernails and toenails are brittle, then this indicates an internal cause. Learn more about the products that can help you.
» view productsSeveral factors can contribute to your nails becoming damaged or sensitive, for instance due to any repetitive activity that presses on the nail too hard, overusing the nail as a tool or it can be as a result of a medical condition. The most common reason is the use of artificial nails or gel. Unfortunately, the chemicals used in the primer and adhesives damage the natural nails. These chemicals make nails thin, weak, dry, and prone to splitting and breaking. It takes time to grow healthy nails and reverse nail damage, but there are ways to speed up the process with the caring products of TRIND. Learn more about the products that can help you.
» view productsJust as skin may show signs of aging, fingernails and nail beds may also start to change with age. Nails may start forming varying amounts of vertical ridges as they grow. These ridges run from the tip of the nail to the bottom of the nail and are usually not a cause for concern. Ridges that appear alongside other symptoms such as a change in color, rough or brittle nails that are not caused by aging maybe a sign of other medical disorders and should be diagnosed by a doctor. Learn more about the products that can help you.
» view productsFungal infections can affect any part of the body. Fungi are normally present in and on the body, alongside various bacteria. When a fungus starts overgrowing, you can get an infection. Fungal infections usually develop over time, so any immediate differences in the way that your nails look or feel may be the first sign. Other signs include: a distorted nail that may be lifting from the nail bed, an odor coming from the infected nail, a brittle or thickened nail, or any discoloration of the infected nail. Learn more about the products that can help you.
» view productsNail biting damages nails and cuticles. Nail biting is more than a bad habit and goes beyond an unappealing set of nails, it can be harmful to your health. For example biting your nails increases the risk of an infection of your nails, nearby skin, mouth or gums and the risk of catching a cold or other illnesses also increases. There are many reasons to quit this bad habit. However, as with every habit it is not easy to stop. Learn more about the products that can help you.
» view productsCuticles are an important part of your overall nail health. Cuticles, which are small folds of skin, help to keep your nails healthy and strong. Damaged cuticles may occur when they dry out, causing them to peel and crack. You may damage your cuticles if you cut or tear them off, which can lead to pain and infection. Dry, peeling or cracked cuticles can be healed by moisturizing them several times a day until the condition improves. Learn more about the products that can help you.
» view productsOvergrown cuticles can lead to an array of frustrating and unattractive issues, including hangnails, bacterial infections, splitting cuticles and slow nail growth. Proper maintenance of your cuticles is key in keeping your hands and fingernails healthy. The number one cause of overgrown cuticles is a simple lack of upkeep. Most of the problems related to overgrown cuticles can be easily resolved through proper nail maintenance. Learn more about the products that can help you.
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